Works by
Michael Talbot

Warriors In The Garden / Expansion Of The Garden


Warriors In The Garden aims to highlight those individuals in our lives and our communities who often go unnoticed and unappreciated. There is a delicate ecosystem to a community of people, much similar to that of a garden, and having all parts working in tandem is fundamental and necessary for longevity and growth.

Enter the Pollinators and the Predators...
Pollinators represent the essential workers within a community; those whose roles are in the active development, expansion, and furthering of the community or ecosystem to which they belong. The Predators however represent those whose roles fall into the category of protection and maintenance of the well-being of that community.

Expansion Of The Garden serves as an added exploration into mindfulness, highlighting and focusing on the importance of practicing awareness of self and the world at large. The collection is expanded upon by collaborating artist Phoebe "Crazypants" Warner, and Sean Webster, as host for a variety of mindfulness sessions. Our aim with this re-showing is to incorporate healing through art, connection, and various other mindfulness practices such as breath work, movement, and meditation in a collective setting.

This body of work was done in association with, and under the patronage of Copper Collective, Urbanica Gallery, and The Somerville Arts Council.
15% of each sale will be donated in support of Copper Collective and the work that they do.

For sales and inquiries, please contact Michael Talbot directly at or call/text (508) 948-5653.

Harvesters of Light

Price: $5,000

Essential workers
Diligent organizers
Community-oriented team-players

They go about their duties indiscriminately, yet with such purpose, bringing life and light to all.

- Honey Bee

Alchemy I

Price: $1,000

Open your eyes and see the world for what it isn't.

Alchemy has taken many forms throughout the years, but one of it's modern day manifestations have been a point of debate in regards to legitimacy, legality, and addictivity.

- Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms)

Alchemy II

Price: $1,000

Open your eyes and see the world for what it could be.

Alchemy has taken many forms throughout the years, but one of it's modern day manifestations have been a point of debate in regards to legitimacy, legality, and addictivity.

- Cannabis

Alchemy III


Open your eyes and see the world for what it is.

Alchemy has taken many forms throughout the years, but one of it's modern day manifestations have been a point of debate in regards to legitimacy, legality, and addictivity.

- Coffee

The Alchemist

Price: $2,000

Your eyes are open but you still do not see.

I've shown you the world for what it is, yet you reject the very nature of your reality.

I've shown you the world for what it could be, but you argue that potential has no basis in reality.

I've shown you the world for what it isn't... and you readily consume the lies.

- Red-billed Streamertail (Jamaican Doctor Bird)

These Stains I Bore In Silence


You know me for who they say I am... for the monster they believe me to be.
I sit here, coiled and waiting, not to pounce but rather bracing myself for the impact of all this backlash and hate. No one cares to ask me if it's true or not, no one cares about the facts... the people need a scapegoat.

Don't worry, I'll be your Judas.

- Emerald Tree Boa
- White Eastern Redbud (Judas Tree)

Elious In Aster

Price: $5,000

Predator or Protector...

The mongoose sits patiently in the luminous night blooms, it's eyes carefully surveying the land. As the Angel's Trumpets unfurl, they serve as both a signal and a warning heralding it's presence...


- Jamaican Mongoose (once invasive, now endemic)
- Angel's Trumpets (night bloomers)

Musings Of The Silent Guardian

- SOLD -

Throughout the ages, Red Cardinals have been seen as being representative of loved ones who have passed but are still with us, and their resilience and permanence have only deepened this belief among individuals. Every community has heroes; those who came before us and paved the way so that we may live in the present. Even though they may not be with us physically, their spirit still persists and lives strong within us all who care to remember.

- Northern Cardinal
- White Dahlia
- Dahlia Tartan

Too Much Of Something Good...

Price: $2,000

There's a saying: "Too much of something good isn't good for you..."

But what happens when the commodity becomes scarce and there's no longer enough to ever have "too much" again? We begin to search for and claw at anything that would even resemble our now endangered desires, not realizing the poison we started to crave.

- Monarch Butterfly (endangered)
- Milkweed
- Poison Ivy

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